Get to work.

Finding a service provider for your home project can be difficult.

Here is a collection of local home services recommendations from people like you.

Find a Service Provider

Welcome to Catskill Mountain Houses’s service provider directory. This is a select list of contractors, project managers, plumbers and more, located in the Catskills and Hudson Valley regions of Upstate New York. Recommended service providers are client generated and are not certified by Catskill Mountain Houses.

Can’t find what you’re looking for?

So much of the work in our area is based on word of mouth. I’ve listed service providers above that have been recommended by people like you and that can be found in the public sphere, such as a company website or on social media. But if you can’t find what you’re looking for, contact:

I may be able to put out some requests to find what you need offline. Or if you find a provider that you’d like to recommend to other users, I’d love to hear about it.


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